The New Klezmer Scholarship Fund
The New Klezmer Scholarship Fund subsidizes tuition for early-career musicians to study through the New Klezmer Courses.
For donors
Donating to the New Klezmer Scholarship Fund allows professional musicians and students with demonstrated financial need to study through the New Klezmer Courses at a reduced or waived tuition. Each donation of $300 will cover one student for one semester of classes. A donation of $1,500 will cover a complete semester for five students, the minimum number for a workshop class.
Donations are processed through PayPal and accept all major credit cards.
New Klezmer Studios is not currently organized as a 501c3, so donations are not tax deductible. That being said, 100% of donations to the scholarship fund will be granted to students on a quarterly basis and we notify donors of disbursements in our quarterly newsletters. Contact Nat Seelen at with any questions.
For applicants
Who is eligible
The New Klezmer Scholarship Fund is open to professional musicians and students who would like to study through the New Klezmer Courses and for whom the $300 course fee would be a financial hardship. The Fund is only open to applicants who plan to study a complete semester through the live (online) studio, not for semi-synchronous or partial-semester students.
What you should expect
Scholarships to the New Klezmer Courses are competitive. However, we will do our best to provide some amount of tuition assistance to every applicant with demonstrated need that we are able to - we understand the folks who will benefit most from the courses are often the folks with the least ability to pay. We will do our best to notify every applicant of your status by two weeks prior to the start of a new semester. If you have any questions or if you do not hear from us by that point, contact Nat Seelen at